Is there a shortage of airline pilots in the us and worldwide?

If this happens will there be no planes taking off due to pilot shortage in the future

Will there be no airplanes operating in the future due to pilot shortage because i like flying because i can reach my destination quicker. And flying is the safest form of travel

I've heard that there's a looming military pilot shortage for the US (they're building planes faster than they can train pilots) but that shortage will probably only last for a short time until UAVs become more and more common.

There's currently a shortage of experienced, qualified pilots, but that will eventually be corrected. Even if the deficit lasts awhile there's absolutely no chance that there won't be any planes flying in the future.

There's a shortage, but all that means is fewer flights, not NO flights. How old are you?

Yes, their all retiring.

There's an anticipated shortage, but it will not prevent all flights.
What is going to happen is that the airlines that can afford to pay pilots more will lure away pilots from less affluent markets. In turn, more people will want to train to become pilots.
What will be in short supply is *experienced* pilots.

The safest way to travel is by Ship. There's a shortage of experienced pilots… At the moment. But that is a temporary thing like any other job.
. I'm waiting for the first "TRANSPORTER" to BEAM PEOPLE OVER… BY A SCOTSMAN.

Yes, there has been a shortage of pilots for the past few years now. The regional airlines can't find enough pilots to fly their equipment, because most people can't afford to become airline pilots… Which can be more expensive than becoming doctors. And even if they can afford it, most aren't willing to accept the entry level slave wages. Entry level co-pilots should be earning $60,000 a year, not a penny less. You needn't worry, airplanes aren't going away. What will happen is the regional airlines will disappear… Maybe three or four operators will be left, consolidating all the regional market routes. Or, they will be bought up and run by their major airline "parents", who can easily pay pilots what they are worth.

A shortage does not mean there will be none. But it does mean that there may be insufficient flights for all the demand. You may not find a flight when you want to travel. Or will have to book further ahead.

Yes because airlines used to train pilots at their own expense, now they expect them to go to pilot school which costs a minimum of £100k. As only a few people can afford this before they even earn a penny, there's a shortage.

Yes. But don't worry there will always be flights. Book early

Airlines cut their own throats requiring a BS and 4 years comm exp and a comm license on your own (about $80K) then merely $20k a year to start. 'about time.

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