Never been on a plane but parents want me to fly solo to Washington to visit grandparents?

My grandparents' 50th anniversary is coming up. Neither of my parents could get time off to visit, so they want to send me on a plane, by myself, from NY to Washington (state). The issue is that I've never once been on a plane, or even set foot in an airport, for that matter. I've voiced concerns about this with my parents but they don't care and say I'm going whether I like it or not. I'm 14 please help!

It's really not hard. I was traveling by myself by plane at 10, and train and bus before I was 14. That was before there was unaccompanied minor service. It was also before cell phones and internet. No need to fret.

Youll be ok, just don't do anything stupid like carry on too many fluids and youll be fine

You can't get off at the wrong stop. The airlines require an adult sign for you on arrival. Less problem than the metro bus. Have no fear. ENJOY!

A non stop flight for a 14 year old should not be a problem. Even if there's one change of planes it is no big deal. The flight crew will tell you where to go to catch the second plane.

The issue is… Some made up excuse for not wanting to go.

My the only person in the world to have a first flight. Must be a scary feeling to do something no one else that has ever been on plane did once.
Gosh what do you expect at the Airport a moat of crocodiles you must swim across to get to the plane. That is just in Florida. The Artesians are well behaved in Washington. They live near Tumwater not very close to the Airports.
Do you really expect that one of your parents will not be with you for the check in process?

Not many get to attend a 50th anniversary of ANYTHING.
Put on your big boy pants or big girl dress and go to the celebration. You make it sound like you will be gone for months and months to some isolated village in some remote part of the planet.

Really I have been to Washington. They have these things called trees. There's this place where some computer nerds call home they have this thing called facebooklet you can use to communicate with the outside world. You need a computer to use it. Do you have one?

I have seen wondrous things there. They have this glowing bulb thing that hangs on poles to light the streets at night. The have pretty colored ones they use for traffic.
Really they have roads in Washington. They do have a lot of these lumpy things that are little hard to walk over could be the reason they use tunnels under the mountains.

It really rains a lot on the western side of state. So much they have a rain forest.Ever seen a rain forest?

Your grandparents most likely speak the same language as you so that is not the issue.

You might get lost. Of course you could use this thing called a map to find your way. Or ask a policeman for help.

I'm 14 and have no intention of being polite to my Grandparents and celebrate with them 50 years of marriage. My party with my school friends I can see next week and the week after is so much more important.

I might have fun and enjoy the view of flying over the country. How tragic.
Of course you have no pride in your parents and other family in NY and have no desire to proudly represent them at this once in a lifetime event most married couples never reach.

So you have never set foot in an Airport. Is there a Piano attached to your bottom. You could visit one tomorrow.
You have never been on a plane before. SO WHAT, Every other flyer had their first flight.

So what is the real issue. You have nothing to do for about 4 or 5 hours while sit in the plane?
Really? Ever heard of a book? You make this sound like you will be YEARS on the plane.

The other side of the Mississippi has been settled for over 100 years. The clean air may be a shock to your system. You get over it.

The plane you would be flying on was probably built in Washington state they are so clever in the West. I saw this this amazing thing there, You pick it up push some buttons and you can talk to people around the world. I think they call it a telephone.

A friend has one he carries in his pocket and sends texts to mom. His mom is so clever she stopped using a string and soup can. Does your mom know how to use a phone?

So what is it you expect on the plane? You get on you sit down you buckle up listen to the crews instructions and a few hours later you are there.

Maybe your grandparents will take you someplace you can get a real Washington Apple they are huge compared to New York ones.
Ever tried an applet? Very tasty treat.

In Washington they have a lot of trees. Most live in these things called houses. Some live on farms, Some in towns and few million of them live in these things called cities. Do you have houses where you live in New York?

Seattle has an underground city you might visit. Maybe you see the Pacific Ocean not much different than the Atlantic both are blue and lots of water. Sunsets and sunrises with some mountains are not a horrible thing to see.

So why do you really not want to go? Do you think Grandma and grandpa have no idea what to do with children? They raised your parent.

You problem is not the Airport or the plane. You are just not very confident in exploring the world and not be holding mommy's hand while you do it and dad watching each step you take.

I've voiced concerns about this with my parents. GOOD FOR YOU

YOU are the child. YOU DO as your parents want. GET OVER IT princess.

You can make this a pleasant event for your Grandparents or be a rude obnoxious spiteful child that is miserable. Of course you can expect Grandparents to remember your behaviour the next Christmas or birthday when you expect a gift from them.
Think of it as a test run for your escape to far away college in a few years.

It can't be all bad you get a few days of not having to do everything mom and dad say.

USE your ears and listen to them. They can tell you tales about your Mom or Dad. They know stuff not on the internet.
Maybe if you are nice you can learn stuff about your great grandparents and maybe great great grandparents.It might not mean much now but years from now it will be lost to the world with no one to remember. Everything is not found by a giggle search.

Your choice to make the best of this adventure or be obnoxious to one and all. Do not expect your parents do to cartwheels of joy with you for a longtime if you just refuse to attend with a bunch of made up excuses.

I'm 14 please help!
I did, Listen to your parents and the next four years at home will be much more pleasant. For you.

The issue is that I've never once been on a plane, or even set foot in an airport
I doubt that is the real issue.
There are first time flyers everyday at Airports and on many flights.

Their soccer fans are rather "soundy", School sports has gone to the dogs. They play in a Kennel.

Do they have sports teams in New York?

What is the REAL reason you do not want to go?

So? There's a first time for everything. Kids younger than you fly all the time. Your parents can take you to the airport. Many airlines require a 14 year old travelling without an adult to use the unaccompanied minor service, and older children can get the same service if it's wanted. An airline employee looks after you until you get on the plane, and upon arrival they hand you over to an adult that your parents have named.

On most airlines, you will be required to use Unaccompanied Minor service. That provides you with an escort in the airports, and they make sure that they hand you off to a designated adult at your final destination. You can't get lost. If you happen to be traveling on one of the few airlines that does not offer that service for your age, then you will still be fine. Most airlines will allow a parent to escort you to your gate; even if not, airports are very well-marked with clear signs that indicate where you go. If your flight is nonstop, you'll have nothing to worry about; even with a connection, you will be just fine.

On the plane itself, there's nothing to worry about. Just take plenty of things to keep yourself busy, and maybe some snacks in case you don't like what they serve on the plane.

So it'll be an unfamiliar experience, but it won't be difficult or scary. Being on a plane is very like being on a big, long-distance bus.

I've never answered a question on here before but some of the disrespectful trash I've seen here inspired me. I'm not saying it's okay that your parents are forcing you to do something you're uncomfortable with. You're not their slave and you shouldn't have to obey them as if you were. But there's little to be done about it, so you're going to have to make due with the unfair hand you've been dealt.
It's okay to be nervous about doing something like this for the first time. I was forced into something similar as a kid and no it's not easy. But you can do this. The most important thing to remember is that people in uniforms are your friends. Security, staff, police, pretty much anyone with a nametag and some kind of official ID. You can trust those people to get you where you need to go. Some of them may be rude and unhelpful because adults seem to think it's okay to treat kids like subhumans - if this happens, find someone else. Just DO NOT trust ANYONE not in a uniform.

You got this.

Flying can be a pain in the neck with security check ins, but you should also find the process to be interesting. An employee of the airline will guide you, since you'd be a minor travelling alone so you won't have to worry about getting lost in the shuffle if you need to change planes.

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