My brother put the wrong date of birth when booking a holiday?

Me and My stupid brother who is 21 are going on holiday together I will be 17 when we go on holiday. He has put my date of birth as 2000 instead of 2002 does it matter? It's the same birthday just the wrong year. My friend who is an air hostess said it doesn't matter because there's no date of birth of boarding passes or anything like that. Flying from a uk airport

There's no risk in calling to get it fixed. There's risk in not doing so.

CHILDREN that would be you can have issues.
the excuse my brother does not remember my birth year is not very likely.

You just say you are flying FROM a UK Airport. Getting on the plane is one thing.

At destination in UK not really an issue.
Getting off the plane in some other country is an issue. They can just send you back home. You wait in the secure area for the flight.

My friend who is an air hostess said… How nice.
When they are employed as a Passport Immigration official they can say other stuff.

Sounds like your brother's "mistake" made you over 18 years old instead of your real age of 17. He may be a "stupid" brother, but don't think people don't see through this "mistake".

Not knowing any details about your holiday, it could be a minor or non-issue if you are just traveling domestically. It could be a major issue if you are traveling internationally or to any sort of resort that requires you to be at least 18. If you are traveling Internationally you could be denied boarding, if you are going to any sort of resort that requires you to be 18 when you arrive you and your brother will not be allowed to check-in and very likely not get any money back.

Your boarding pass is 100% irrelevant. You don't GET one until you've satisfied the check-in clerk that you are who you say you are and the age you say you are.

He was only 2 years off no big deal

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