Will I need a second seat on an airplane?

My grade 12 band class is going on a summer break field trip to Ontario next week but I'm worried I might need a 2nd seat. I read a PDF on airplane seats and apparently they range from 17-18 inches and my "surface measurement" is around 23-24 inches. Would the airline be a little more lenient since its a whole class trip? I could use some feedback because I might just end up not going. It would be super embarrassing if I had to get a second seat in front of my class.

Often in the United States people are obese and do not fit in one seat. A second seat is required or upgrade to higher class with wider seats. Each Airline has policy differences but the general policy is that you are expected to buy two seats.

In Canada, obesity is treated as a disability. The Air Canada policy is:
"For travel within Canada, customers who require extra seating because they are disabled by obesity or because they must accommodate another disability may request the service free of charge" on most aircraft. (A physician's approval is required.)
You need a physician's approval, and request the extra seat in advance at no charge, but other airlines have different policies possible.
You must be able to fit in a seat with the buckle and armrests down.
Your class already knows you are wider than the seat.
You would not have any choice about that if you can't fit in the seat, but the fare required varies by airline.
Business class seats on Air Canada get to 20 to 21 inches.

Would the airline be a little more lenient since its a whole class trip? DOES NOT MATTER

Your SEAT fits into ONE plane seat or it does not. Up to you to request a needed second seat if that is your situation.

Airline can't guess if you will fit. When a group booking is made. The person that is arranging the band trip should be looking after this. If they are not then YOU call the Airline and talk to the special needs Agent and explain your situation for your special needs in regards to your seating requirements.

Shall we all guess which Airline you will be using?

IF you arrange it in ADVANCE then you will not have the embarrassment of trying to squeeze into a too small seat.

I know some very large people who manage to sit in airline seats. I don't know how you take a "surface area measurement", but 23-24 inches doesn't sound that large to me. Do you fit in a normal school desk? They have seat belt extenders if the seat belt doesn't fit around you.

Speak to the airline you're travelling with and find out more.

If this is a school trip, surely a teacher or administrator will be booking a block of seats for you. I can't imagine they're allowing you all to book a seat individually.
Go to the person in charge and ASK.

1. If you weigh less than 250 lbs you should be fine. - The 17" to 18" they refer to is straight across, not half your waist or hip size. That is, their measurement is through you. I have a 42" hip circumference and I fit OK.
2. Most flights these days fly full. Chances are that the seat next to you will be available to purchase at that time is slim. Or two seats together anywhere on the plane.
3. If you are over 240 pounds or so and are worried, go to the airport before you buy the ticket and ask people at the check in counter for their opinion whether you will be OK.

What do mean by "surface measurement"? It has no meaning. Are you referring to the circumference of your hip/waist area or even the half-perimeter? If so then you do not need a 2nd seat. The seat measurement is a linear measurement meaning direct across from armrest-to-armrest. Your measurements does not meet the criteria for a 2nd seat.

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