Do I Need A Letter Of Consent To Fly Internationally? (17 Years Old)?

I'm 17 Years old and planning to fly to England. I would purchase my own tickets, and also would have family greeting me in England. Would i need a Letter of Consent to fly?
The Airline i would be traveling with has Young Adults set as (12-15) So i would pass there.
Thanks for your help!

Added (1). I'm a UK Citizen, and also an American Citizen.

No one from the UK is on here

Yes. I had to write those for all three of my children. We live in Canada…

Why doesn't ANYONE, EVER, state where they reside, and make things simpler for all responders?

You don't need one to fly but you need one to get into the UK.

I'm 17 Years old.
A CHILD as far as UK Passport control is concerned.
A CHILD for purchasing Airline Tickets.
Children age 17 DO NOT need an escort ON THE PLANE. That is the easy part of this adventure.

CHILDREN do need an Adult to board the plane and to be at the Airport in the UK to greet them and take responsibility for them until they exit the UK.

Would i need a Letter of Consent to fly? To fly MAYBE. If only one parent at Airport you need letter from other parent. Your parent is there to check you in.
YOU DO NEED a letter of consent for entering the UK from BOTH parents.

You can make your own letter. It needs to have the required information on YOU. Your PARENTS, Your UK person, WHEN you are doing this and WHY.(visit family, tourism or whatever it may be)

There's no specific form that this letter must have your parents can make one.
It should have information on it like this sample.

CAN this be done? YES
It will require an ADULT on the beginning and end of your flight to be involved.

Your family member ADULT in the UK will be expected to be at the Airport to greet you and UK official may want to see and talk to them BEFORE you are let out of the secure area.Helps to have their phone number.

IF officials do not like what they see they can refuse to release you and just return you back to USA on next flight back.

Border control does not play games with this.

You also NEED a PASSPORT. As you are a citizen of both it can get complicated. You are expected to use your UK passport to enter the UK and when you come back your US passport to re enter the USA.

As a UK citizen you will be allowed to enter the UK. That does not mean they must let you loose to go on your own.
You are considered to be 100% a UK citizen while in the UK and 100% US citizen while in the USA. You can try to play the half and half game when visiting other countries.

Yes you need a letter of consent and even a Major(older than you) . Major have to accompany you to England, on terms and condition that major belongs to your family and is able to prove with documents or paperwork.

You are also a risk of overstaying, according to UK immigration, so you needto prove to them you will be returning to the US - return ticket, school, job etc.

Yes, you do need a letter of consent, the link below is an example of what airlines expect, based on what they know immigration will be looking for one arrival. Websites may block you from booking a ticket due to your age, so you may need an adult to do this for you even if you are paying. All those under 18 are classed as minors, the 12-15 range you mention, could be the ages that they offer an escorted UOM service, few airlines offer this now, but any that do don't extend it beyond age 15.

It's an immigration issues, not an airlines issue. However, if the airline believes that you will be stopped from entering the UK, they may not let you on the plane as they don't want to be responsible for flying you home. I know an adult who went to the UK on a one way ticket, thinking he could buy a ticket home cheaper once he got there. He was denied entry and sent home. A notarized letter signed by your parents saying you have their permission to leave the country will be very helpful. It may not be enough. Countries are concerned about people coming with the intent of staying.

Yes you are not an adult yet so can't fly internationally without your parents signing off on it.

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