Why do people fly American Airlines?
Why do people fly American Airlines? - 1
I'm not absolutely sure but could be so they can get from ;A' to 'B'?
$$$ if the have a good deal, I'm there
Well AA may not be my favorite airline but if they are the only ones going to where I want to go, I well take them. Sometimes there's not a choice.
Because they don't
. (1) beat their passengers
. (2) make their passengers pay to use the toilet
. (3) charge for water
. (4) charge for carry on bags
. (5) make seating a free for all battle
. (6) weigh their passengers
. (7) lock seats so they don't recline
. (8) turn off the in-flight entertainment immediately after takeoff
. (9) not pay their fuel bill. http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2012/s3433060.htm
. (10) look like this after landing
… (no fatalities on China Air 120 Thank God)
… https://en.wikipedia.org/...Flight_120
They have flights that match a person's needs.
They are not a bad airline by any means and their service is far far better then say spirit
It goes where they want to go, when they want to go, at an acceptable price.
Because they found a reasonably priced ticket on there, or they live in a city where American Airlines is the dominant carrier. Another reason may be because American Airlines has the most convenient flight time or is the airline the person feels comfortable flying with compared with the other choices.
Because most can't afford to have the government lease planes for their private travel like many government workers do.
I do only if it'd the airline that meets my requirements
Plus other times when flying to Asia AA is a code share airline and I have to fly them from Dallas to the west coast
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