Long beach, California?

Is Long Beach a safe and nice neighborhood to live in? How is it as far commuting to lax airport rehulary for work?

Long Beach isn't a neighborhood it is a City.

It has some very nice areas and some very bad areas, and areas in between. It all depends on exactly where you are looking at. The better areas are areas such as Bixby Knolls and Belmont Shores. The areas that are bad include areas of North Long Beach for one. Just realize that some of the good areas are literally just about across the street from some of the bad areas so it really is a matter of blocks. So you should contact a reputable realtor who knows the Long Beach area to help you.

As for commuting, you would be traveling on one of the most congested Freeways in the United States the I-405. It may only be about 20-25 miles, but during rush hour on an average day it could be a 60 minute commute, on a bad day it may be 2+ hours. During other parts of the day it will vary from minimal traffic to gridlock depending on factors such as construction or accidents.

Long Beach is a city, meaning it has good and bad parts to it. The commute to LAX would be doable. How much traffic you'd hit en route depends on what times of day you'd be traveling.

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