I'm on orders to be stationed in Alaska. Can I drive through Canada with a Pitbull/ bully breed?

Okay, I'm being stationed in Alaska. I know pit bulls /bully breeds are band in Canada…

Is there anyway I can driver through with my dogs
If I have my orders / passport/ all their (dogs) health records and what nots in hand?!

I would fly them but it will be too cold when I move and airlines won't allow it when it's 30 below

Pit bulls are only banned in Ontario. You will be traveling through British Columbia, so you should be OK, though you may have a closer inspection to make sure that things such as all needed shots have been fulfilled with the dogs.

You mean "banned", not "band". Contact the Canadian Border Services Agency and ask them for the protocol.

Ask your drafting officer

You can't fly Pit Bulls. Airlines won't take them. You won't get through Canada. Obey the laws.

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