Should I sue an airline for the money for destroying my laptop?

Qatar Airways security prior to boarding (inside Hammad International Airport) waved the metal detector wand directly over my laptop after asking me to take it out of the case. My bare laptop was then opened and had the metal detector wand scan each surface of it. I trusted them since they knew more than me about what and how they needed to search but after the security my laptop was not functional at all, yet it was perfectly fine before this happened. What should I do?

You can't really sue those rag heads

No, it was just a prank boi.

Its not the airlines fault, you need to sue the security screeners

Complain all you want, sue them in court.
DO NOT expect to win any compensation.

AIRLINE did not do it. Security did.

What does your travel insurance company say? You HAD insurance, right?

You knew the risk when you bought the ticket. They don't even guarantee you a seat

Speak to your travel insurance company to claim the damages

If you didn't get insurance, and want to sue, you'll need to prove it was their actions that caused the issue.

Use your insurance.
I'm baffled as to why you think it's the airline's responsibility when they do not employ the security staff, the airport do.

Sorry, this it total BS, you take out you laptop it goes in the tray and then through the X-ray, there's no need for the wand, i.e. They know it contains metal! Stop posting rubbish claims.

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