Is the lack of female and black airline pilots due to they simpily aren't applying or because they don't pass the training?
Is the lack of female and black airline pilots due to they simpily aren't applying or because they don't pass the training?
Jobs are gender stereotyped.
no doubt you need maths and science to be a pilot and good exam results and maybe financial support from parents
all these things act against women and minorities
Posting your question here is asking for speculation and conjecture. Your question really should be addressed to the airline industry itself for a proper answer. I'm a retired female industrial electrician with 42 years experience in high voltage 3-phase power. I know very very few fellow female electricians in this field. Why there are not more of us has always been a conundrum to me.
How much things have changed I don't know. My understanding has always been that airline pilots almost always come from the air force, because that's where most people learn jets. Start there.
For some info on women read here:
But in simple terms, women do not apply
From knowledge of the industry, I would say that there's a good chance that the cost of training would put off a large amount of the general population. In the UK Is can cost upwards of £70,000 + for the training, something some get support from family or are able to take large loans. If you don't have that backing, few airlines will offer more than basic support.
It is a male dominated role, but airlines are encouraging women to consider it more, and we're seeing an increase in the uk.
I fly a lot
Have seen a few women and have seen Black's at about the same percentage as they are the general population
I think both but mostly black airline pilots are't apply they thinking I'm black I can't achieve this job but doesn't happen like this.
There can be a number of reasons such as there not being enough black and female pilots who are seen and can be role models for the younger generation to look up to and be inspired. The number of female pilots is actually starting to increase and Air India made headlines when both the pilot and first officer were females flying together. It was the first time it was an all female crew flying the plane.
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