Why do airlines charge you for picking your seat?

It's so stupid. Airlines like American Airlines and Delta and wonder why should i be charged for claiming a seat ahead of time. And they'll tell you to upgrade your ticket at a higher price just so you can have extra benefits such as Overhead bin access, Choose your seat and
Ticket changes for a two hour flight. This is highway robbery.

Or robbery on the High Seas. It is all about their bottom line. But if you do it again you will know how to avoid the extras.

To allow them to charge a lower base fare to suck you in when you compare fares between airlines.

To make money.

It allows them to lower their airfares, which is what you see when you're comparing prices between airlines. Then they charge for all the extras, such as choosing a seat, taking a carry-on, etc to make up for the lower fares. Not everyone pays those extra fees, but many do, and the airline comes out better ahead than they would by just charging everyone a higher base fare.

Because they can.

They're for-profit companies.

It's more of a scam than robbery. When you search for an airfare, just assume that you'll be paying a good 10% on top of that. If we had a government with a backbone, they'd make the airlines stop hiding these fees from you.

ALL BUSINESS like to make profit. It is the way it is.

You as customer want the CHEAPEST possible price for all you buy.

Welcome to the world of basic business. Want an extra PAY FOR IT. Want extra luggage PAY FOR IT

Want a catered meal PAY FOR IT. Want CHOICE of seat PAY FOR IT.

Want CHEAP then you get CHEAP. Simple. For a short flight is it really that important if you have the window or aisle seat.

Window seat could be a view of clouds. Some like to curl up at the end of the row and not need to get up so others can use the lavatory. YOU PAY for this extra.

CHEAP SEAT is just that a CHEAP SEAT Want something MORE then you pay MORE.

Because they can. They will charge for anything that people are willing to pay for.

They realized people will pay to guarantee a certain seat. They discovered which seats are the most popular amd charge accordingly. Just like they realized people will practically pay for anything if basically required to do so.
People (business people) are always on the lookout for more ways to make money for their business and about a decade or so ago, airlines realized they were sitting on a goldmine. Whoever said you should get a free checked bag? Why shouldnt you pay for food?

Airlines are a business and trying to come up with ways to increase their revenue stream. Someone in the back-room probably came up with this idea and management tried it out to see what happens. While we the flying public hate all these nickel and dime fees, we're paying and so the airline figures if we're going to pay for it, they will keep charging. When oil was around $120 per barrel, the airlines implemented the baggage fee. They said because of high fuel prices, they had to do it. The flying public felt it was reasonable. However the price of oil is much lower, but the airlines have not gotten rid of the baggage fee. The airlines know that some passengers just want a bare-bones ticket price and they may only bring a backpack. I can understand how airlines may think it is unfair to charge them the same price as the passenger who brings a carry-on, a personal item and 2 checked bags.

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