My mom is going on a 2-hour flight from Zamboanga to Manila on a Philippine Airline A-320?

What is the probability of the aircraft crashing along with its 200 passengers?

Statistically, almost nil.

Less than the chances that she'll be killed in a car wreck on the way to the airport.

I have flown on Philippine Airlines from Manila to Bacolod City. Smooth flight both ways PAL is a reputable professional airline7

The trip to the airport is more dangerous.


Depends on how accurately you the set the timer on the explosive device.

Since 1997 the number off fatal air accidents has been no more than 1 for every 2,000,000,000 person-miles flown (e.g., 100 people flying a plane for 1,000 miles km) counts as 100,000 person-miles.
The chances of your mom having a problem on a 400 to 500 mile flight are virtually nil.

50/50 either it crashs or it doesn't.

Despite big-budget Hollywood films' depictions of plane crashes, flying is actually the safest mode of transportation. In fact, the odds of a plane crash are one for every 1.2 million flights, with odds of dying one in 11 million. Your chances of dying in a car or traffic accident are one in 5,000.

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