I've never been on a flight before and I'm going on a trip alone to get away. What do I expect at the airport? How does the process work?

Who do I talk to when I arrive? Is it easy to follow? I know I need to arrive two hours early but that's all I know

You just sack up and go

You will check in at the counter or kiosk and then go thru security. After clearing security, you will go to your gate. That's it.

Lots of good answers already here

Arrive at least 2 hours early. That's how early you should be inside the airport, not parking your car.

If you have checked in online (through the airline website) and have your boarding pass and no checked luggage, then you can skip the airline counters when you arrive. However, if you have not checked in online OR if you have a bag to check into cargo, then you will need to stop at the airline counter to do this.

Next is security. Your carry-on items will go on the belt for scanning, along with your shoes, belt, outerwear, etc. Any liquid/gel items in your carry-on need to come out of your bag at security as well (see www.tsa.gov for information on the 3-1-1 rule for liquids/gels in your carry-on). Laptops have to be removed from carry-on bags as well. While your bags are being scanned, you will go through the body scanner. You will get your things on the other side.

Then you head to your gate. Airports are very clearly marked and it's very hard to get lost in one. The gate number should be on your boarding pass, but you can also find it by looking at the electronic monitors that are all over the airport.

Be at your gate at least 30 min before departure. They will announce when it's time to board.

Can you get around your local shopping mall? An airport is basically the same concept. Follow the hordes of people, if you get lost, check the directory or stop by an information desk

At every point ASK 'Where do I go next?' and go there. If you get lost or confused, ask ANYONE in a uniform.

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