Midlife checkup, what do I ask the Vet to order? They tend to over order I want what is really necessary. Only the necessary bloodwork?

They are a male/female pure bred Shih Tzu, 7 years old, in good shape, the female has the brachy cephalic Airway syndrome, she still runs quite well over a mile, other than that, great shape.

Ask the vet what is recommended, them ask why each is recommended and which ones aren't as necessary as the others.

Midlife checkup! I wouldn't be going at all unless I honestly thought there was something wrong.

I certainly go to the vets when there's evidence of anything wrong that needs treatment but I don't have bloods and check ups done unnecessarily.

Don't trust your vets judgment? Then I suggest you find another vet. Just because a vet suggests certain testing, the final decision is your as to whether your willing to proceed with any testing after the vet has explained the reason for said testing.

Not being a vet, nor are there any on this site, nor knowing your vets reasons or your dogs, no one can or should make any recommendations, period.

My only suggestion would be both dogs should begin having comprehensive geriatric wellness examinations every six months, what that entails for your dogs and what the individual vet may recommend, we can't say.

Actually they're called 'pedigreed' dogs not pure bred.

I'd have the vet do a blood panel, a general exam and focus on the teeth as well. If she's had no behavioral changes, isn't losing weight, isn't suddenly gaining a ton of weight, and has no back/shoulder/hip issues, you can probably get away with general vaccinations.

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