My flight ticket just got 164$ cheaper. Can I talk to the airline about it?

Can I talk to the airline to change the ticket that I bought for 570$ to the same ticket that I'm now seeing for 406$ ?

You could try. I wouldn't get your hopes up though.

It depends upon the ticket. When you were buying it did it have an option to cancel it afterwards and get your money back? Then you can cancel it and buy a new, cheaper one. But if you bought a ticket where the changes were not possible - sorry, it is gone. You may contact them, beware that nowadays they have very expensive contact phone numbers, so you will be more out of money

Trade it.

Yes but they aren't going to refund you the difference unless they have a policy covering that. You'd squeal like a stuck pig if the price went up and the airline wanted you to pay more.

Check with your credit card company

Of course you can talk to them.

Whether or not they will change it is totally up to them.

Cancel your flight and get the ticket refund money
then book again at the cheaper price


No harm in 'talking'.

I would look it up online before talking to them.
Depending on how you got your ticket, what kind of ticket it is, and whether you bought travel protection…

Your cancelation fees may exceed the $164 that you would save.

I've got a round trip to Denver in 2 weeks and I learned my lesson…
Since I have lots of time on my hands, next time I go, I'm getting myself a cheapie ticket on the train and saving myself $400.

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