I have a flight at 6:30am when should I sleep the night before?

Tomorrow I'm taking my little sister to Dublin, Ireland for the day. We're flying from London, Luton at 6:30am and that means I will have to leave my house at 2am so I can collect my sister and arrive at the airport in good time. Our flight back isn't until 21:50 so it'll be a long, long day. We have a friend who's got a hotel so worst comes to worst we could always nap at his. What time should I go to sleep to ensure I feel rested? I can't sleep on planes and it's just over an hour and I'd feel moody. I could nap this afternoon but then I'm not sure if Ill be tired again come 6am.

Any ideas?

Only you know how much sleep you need. If you need 6 hours of sleep and have to get up at 2am, then you need to be in bed by 8pm. If you require 8 hours of sleep, then you need to be in bed by 6pm. No one here can tell you how much sleep you should have or what time you need to go to bed.

Nobody can tell you 'when to sleep' though we might advise on when you 'go to bed'. Not necessarily the same thing at all.

Bear in mind that you don't really need to be at Luton (in the terminal) until the earliest 5:00am, so not sure if your leaving time is accurate, i.e. You thought you needed to arrive earlier. Checkin online the day before and have you boarding passes ready to go straight through security.

Personally I would worry about sleep too, much yes you will be tired, but get some good rest and sleep a few hours and you'll be fine.


You should go to bed extra early and then wake up. I have had situations where I had to bring my family to the airport for a 6:00 am flight and would wake up at 2 or 3 am. Still did sleep a little. You may need some caffeine the rest of the day.

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