Will american airlines respect my rights as schizophrenic man?

Will american airlines respect my rights as schizophrenic man? - 1

Added (1). Or do I have to fly in a foreign airline

Added (2). Rights like everybody

Added (3). @hank wouldn't that be waste of state' resources
Millions of people have schizophrenia

Added (4). I'm native Russian so I'm not going to fly on American airlines since they are always infringed the rights of person as example of overbooking flights
They also removed people forcefully although they are harmless

Why should they? If you behave there should be no such issue.

Not sure what specific rights you think you may have

And what rights are those?

You have no extra rights by virtue of being schizophrenic

You have the right to be confined in a place where you can't be a danger to the general public. What 'rights' do you think you specially have on an aircraft?

If YOU can respect the rights of the rest of the passengers, then yes.

No. You'll have your first class seat taken away, forced to sit on a seat someone urinated on and then beaten and dragged off the plane. We make air koryo look pleasant

You have the same rights as anyone else traveling on that plane. You do not have the right to use your diagnosis as an excuse for disruptive or threatening behavior, and they do not have to tolerate such behavior, no matter the cause. If your condition is controlled, there's no reason for them to even know that you have schizophrenia; if it is not controlled, then you might want to reconsider flying until it is.

As long as your condition doesn't adversely affect others.

Schizophrenia does not give you any special rights

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