How does an international layover at ATL airport work?

This is my first time having a layover on my way back from an international vacation. We're flying Aruba to ATL with a 1 hour 14 minute layover then ATL to MSP. How does this process work? We go through customs but will we have to recheck bags or go through security again?









With only 75 minutes I think you'll be lucky to catch your onward flight, even with fast track clearance that is simply not enough time. Yes you will need to pass through customs, you can use flight connections but I still think this is a very tight transfer.

You will get off your flight and proceed to US Immigration. Next you claim your luggage and proceed to US Customs. After that you exit the Customs area and proceed to next flight.
Doubtful you can do it in an hour and really you know you have EXACTLY 74 minutes.
Gosh you can predict to the minute the time you exit the plane. And the exact minute you have to be on board next flight. NOT HOW IT WORKS

Do you have to recheck your bags? Of course not you can just leave them in Atlanta.

Most will take them to the recheck area for their Airline. FOLLOW THE SIGNS. CUSTOMS Officers are not your baggage handlers.

You might make it if yours is the only flight in the Arrivals area. As there's usually a few in there at the same time expect to miss your connection. Airline might provide a new seat on some other flight at no extra charge. DO NOT EXPECT IT to be FREE.

Customs check can be fast or slow. THEY DO NOT CARE if your next flight is leaving in a few minutes.

Your luggage is most likely tagged in Aruba to your final destination. YOU take it back to the recheck luggage place AFTER Customs. Just put it on the belt and RUN to next flight.

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