What a levels are most suited to an airport and airline management degree at uni?

Not really sure what a levels or BTEC are most desirable or relevant to this degree. Does it matter what subjects I do at sixth form?

Think for moment. What jobs to want to prepare for. There are about 200 different job titles at an Airport
You will not start out as the Airport Manager anywhere.
Is that the manger of parking, the manger of Airport cleaning, The manager of runway construction maintenance. Maybe the manager of the electricians and the stuff they do. Maybe you want to be the Manager of the Payroll department.
Excellent math skills are needed for most positions.
Airlines are much different than just the Airport also many departments. Did you plan to be the Manager of the repair hanger or the Manager of planing for future destinations/ scheduling and flight operations.
Maybe the Manager of the training area for flight crews.
Just have a certain course or a certain degree is not a Guarantee you get hired the day you graduate.

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