What are some of the most rewarding aviation careers?

I want to study to be a commercial airline pilot, i'm currently obtaining my private pilot license right now. I'm not sure if I will enjoy it or not. I want to fly either helio or planes, but anything will help!

Here, maybe these videos will help you make up your mind. They're intended to be funny and are a bit exaggerated, but there's far more truth than fiction here:

If you don't enjoy flying as a private pilot, you definitely won't enjoy flying as a commercial pilot. One step at a time, Skippy.

My primary interest in flying was travel to distant places -
Being paid to travel and get free (and decent) hotel accommodations -
Away from home for 2 or 3 weeks never bothered me -

Unfortunately, today junior pilots only fly domestic routes in the USA -
Nothing attractive about flying from Cleveland to Detroit!
30+ years ago, even junior pilots (with Pan American) flew worldwide -
And it was also the case of many pilots with TWA or Northwest -

I liked airline flying, does not matter if cargo or passengers -
Military flying with transports was similar to airline operations

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