When you're paying for a checked bag on an airline, does it occur to you that your luggage might not even be worth much more than the fee?

When you're paying for a checked bag on an airline, does it occur to you that your luggage might not even be worth much more than the fee?

Most people pack much too much stuff when they travel. But I particularly resent those who insist on taking everything on the plane with them, and then blocking the aisles while the attempt to stuff all their belongings into the overhead bin.

My SUITCASE is worth more.

YES it does reason I do not expect my stuff or myself to be hauled around the planet for Free.
I pack what I need.to limit the charges.

Not really, the charges are never more than the value of the luggage bag, let alone the contents, and what is the worth to you to be able to take your luggage? Taking just carry on suits some people, but it's no good for a long trip.

More than the fee? I don't know what you wear but one of my shirts will cost the fee price, and I pack more then one shirt. That does not include anything else I pack. Or the suitcase.

I check my bags all the time but haven't paid bags fees

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