Why do parents think the middle of a crowded airport is the best place to let their babies learn to walk?

Why do parents think the middle of a crowded airport is the best place to let their babies learn to walk?

Many parents are totally brain dead when it comes to proper child raising. Many things they do defy intelligence. This might be one of their many misguided techniques.

And why are you disturbed about this?

While I think it is a good idea to let the children burn off any excess energy at the airport so they can be calmer or sleep on the plane, I feel there's discretion needed. In the example used, I would think the parents should take the child to an area that is less crowded and let the child practice walking so they are not slowing down other people who are trying to get to their gate.

You don't have any children, do you? When they are first learning to walk, that's all they want to do. You have a choice between having them walk and having them screaming. Some enlightened airports now have areas where parents can take children to play while they're waiting for the flight.

They don't, of course. But it is A place to let their children practise.

They are just letting their kids burn off energy before a long flight, calm down.

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