I'm currently a sophomore in high school and I'm thinking of becoming a pilot?

I want to become a pilot for an airline or something similar and I was wondering what colleges/universities are best for that career. Since I've recently decided on it, i don't know much about planes or anything that has to do with being a pilot. What are some things I could do to learn more about it and what are some requirements to be a pilot

Your best shot is an appointment to the Air Force Academy Colorado (Colorado Springs) through a nomination from your congressman or senator. This would give you a basic education in aeronautical engineering, and by joining the Air Force, you could qualify for flight training at Vance AFB in Enid, Ok. Once you have completed flight school, search for an air force base near a university that offers a Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Take the courses on the Air Force's dime, then serve your required time to pay back your training. Then, submit your credentials to commercial airlines.

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