How can I meet with people at the airport when I'm in security and they are not?

I'm flying from Salt Lake City to Melbourne Australia. I will have a three hour layover at LAX. I hope to meet my brother and sister and possibly other relatives. The problem is I will have to step out of security and then go through security a second time. I'm going to a foreign county. Is this going to be complicated? Any comments? Suggestions?

If your layover is 3 hours, you would only have a few minutes to spend with them.

You WILL miss your connecting flight if you come out

You have time. It's not that complicated. Half an hour to get through security to get back in should be plenty. So you have an hour or 2 to visit, and come back an hour before your flight.

Suggestions. 1) Be security friendly. With little metal on yourself, and think of belt buckles, jewelery.
2) Make sure to check your LAX boarding card for the bording time. You want to be at your gate by then
3) Notice how long it takes you to go through security the first time, it's kind of an estimate. Early morning is busiest, mid day can be shorter.
4) In LAX, before leaving the secured area many airports you can see security coming back in by the exit. See how long the line up is coming back in and how fast it is flowing. If it's bad, you might change your mind about leaving the secured area.
5) You might consider staying close to the area and keep and eye on a change in how busy the line back in is.

You leave the secure area, meet with them, and then you go back into the secure area. It's the exact same security procedure as it was when you got on the plane for the first flight. You just have to make sure you leave yourself enough time so you make it to your next flight. I'd head back into the secure area not less than an hour before the flight's scheduled departure, and longer would be better especially in a large airport and at certain times of the day.

Rather than cutting it close and having an hour at best, why not fly in to LA the day before your ongoing flight. That way you will have a full day to visit with relatives.

In order to see them, you'd have to leave the secure area and then go back through TSA security. The fact that you're flying into another country doesn't necessarily complicate things, but your plane will start boarding earlier than domestic flights will. You'll want to be at your gate 45-60 minutes before the scheduled departure.

With only 3 hours, you really won't have much time to see your family. That 3 hours includes the time it takes for your plane to get to the gate, for you to get off the plane and out of the secure area, for you to go back through security, and for you to be back at your gate for boarding.

I would bet that you will also have a layover in LAX on your way home. Maybe you can try to meet with them when you get back. Missing a connection to SLC is not nearly as painful as missing a connection to Australia.

I'm assuming your connecting flight is departing from the same terminal. If you are flying another airline that departs from a different terminal such as the Tom Bradley International Terminal, you will be leaving the secured area. If your flight is in the same terminal, then I suggest you see your family another time. 3 hours is not enough time to see and talk to them. Plus the line at security can be really long. Maybe you can Skype or Facetime them while you are waiting for your connecting flight.

You have to find out your ways

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