I ordered a package a while ago, and the tracking number has not updated in two weeks?

I ordered a tablet cord from a china on December 17th 2018. Two days later, the package was apparently sent to an airport to be shipped overseas. Ever since then, the tracking number hasn't updated. It's now January 3rd, 2019, not too long before the package should be arriving at my doorstep (Average from what I heard is 15-16 business days). Is this normal? Should I be worried that my package isn't being tracked? What should I do?


Nothing is scanned, and therefore nothing can be tracked, while it is in transit or in Customs. So, yes, it is entirely normal that you haven't had an update in 2 or so weeks. At this time of year especially, items can take a long time to clear Customs. Assuming you have not ordered contraband, you'll get your item in due course. There's nothing you can do to move it along faster.

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