Why does it take so long to become an airline pilot?

When all you have to do is learn how to operate a few buttons

Added (1). serious ques

Still working at Wal*Mart, huh?

TROLL ALERT. Don't take the bait folks.

You need to learn aerodynamics, effects of
Different Temperatures at different altitudes,
And the effects of wind and how to best steer
The plane in wind hitting the plane on different
Sides of the plane. Landing with high side
Winds hitting the plane can cause a crash. But
Some pilots are very good at extreme high
Risk landings and flying in violent weather
Conditions. Being a pilot required strong
Nerves and the ability to suck up what ever
Nature or plane damage develops occurs.
You can't quit or give up or break down and
Cry or text your mommy. You gotta stay focused
And battle everything to land safely. It's not
Just pushing buttons. Naive couch potato.

Because it is difficult to train them

It's not so much about "pushing a few buttons". It's knowing WHEN to push them!

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