What do you do on a Lufthansa flight for over eight hours?

From Chicago, US to Frankfurt, Germany.

Same thing you would do on any airlines.

Watch movies, eat, sleep. I like the foreign movies on the entertainment systems, with the subtitles. That way, you don't have to worry about the noise.
I've flown over the Atlantic many times. If you can sleep, do. You'll be arriving in the morning, and it's better if you can keep going until that evening. I used to read, but it's hard now because the plane is dark, and if you turn your light on, it disturbs other people who are sleeping. But there's a good selection of movies and tv shows to watch.

You make eight hours seem like weeks and weeks of confinement.
Two to three meals/snacks. A walk or two to explore the lavatory at the far end of the plane.

A beverage or two some snacks I brought with me. The newspaper, a magazine I just purchased a little reading of my book. A few hours of nap time. If so inclined watch a movie or listen to some music.
As it is Lufthansa I can use my German skills to request what I might want from the flight crew. The crew does understand many languages obviously their German skills are very good.
Your travel day is much longer than just the 8 hours in flight. A nap or two is really a good idea. The view of Ocean gets very boring after the first hour.over it.

They will feed you about an hour after takeoff. Then, best is to sleep until about 90 minutes before arrival. I usually get a window seat and gather extra pillows to make a "bed" to lay against so I can sleep sitting up, Try to sleep, even if it isn't very good sleep. An eye mask and ear plugs/ear buds plus a travel pillow will help.

Awaken before they start serving breakfast. That will let you clean up in the restroom without having to wait in line.

Sleep, read, talk to your neighbour, eat, drink tea, watch movies, listen to music, stare out the window, think and reflect. I purposely go short of sleep the night before a long flight so I'll find it easy to sleep during a good portion of it. And I arrive well rested.

Try to sleep, eat, drink, watch movies, talk to your companions, sleep, read.

Hit on other passengers

Read a book
Watch films

Sleep, eat, watch films, read.

Watch a Robin Williams movie

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