Tripl insurance (Allianz) vs Airline coverage (JetBlue)?

Will be going on a trip with my family to New York next week and I was wondering if trip insurance was worth it ($160 extra). There are no medical emergencies to cause us to cancel the flight, we're going. The thing I'm confused of is flight delays based on weather or other airline reasons/lost or delayed baggage. Wouldn't the airline (JetBlue) be responsible and accommodatie for a future flight at no extra charge. Also If there's a delay causing us to do a late check, or possibly miss a night in our AirBnB will JetBlue accommodate us for that? Would the trip insurance (Allianz) accommodate us?

Would trip insurance be worth the extra money or will JetBlue's policy be enough?

$160 sounds an awful lot for insurance. It only cost me £5 for a week in Italy from the UK.

In the USA, it seems that airlines do not routinely compensate for delays:

In the UK, Allianz offers a multi trip annual insurance for £43 and a single trip is £4.39.

I would go on a travel insurance comparison website and find a better deal.

Medical treatment within the US is ridiculously expensive. You may be sure that you are healthy, but the bus that is about to run you over does not know that.

In the US you will not be compensated or given accommodation for flights affected by weather delays. This can happen in the US in winter. I have travelled extensively in North America in winter. I don't think I have had a trip that has not been affected by weather. The worst was being stuck in LA for 2 nights because New York was buried in snow.

My motto is that if you can't afford the insurance you can't afford to go.

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