Fast Track Security at Heathrow Airport Departures?

My partner is disable and we have booked a flight with British Airways in business class to make his long journey more comfortable.
Is it true that business class allows him to go through Fast Track Security?
Does that mean he will have less waiting time at the security checkpoint?

Why isn't black box data recorded via cloud technology?

I've been reading about airline disasters, and how it's always a race against time to locate a black box from an aircraft that has fallen in an ocean. In one case of the Air France disaster, the black box was not found until nearly 3 years later!

My question is why isn't the data from the black boxes transmitted and stored via cloud so that in the event it can't be located, it's already backed up anyway in cloud storage?

Why did I set off the metal detector?

It was my first flight in Birmingham UK airport. I had gold earrings in, I read on the internet they'd be fine to wear. I weren't wearing anything metal on me at all. But on the morning the back off my earring fell off, do you think it could have been that? It was so embarrassing I had to stand like a star while the woman patted my back and checked my shoes to be told it's fine I can go. I don't want it happening on my flight home?

Have you ever witnessed something like this at the airport? How would you feel?

Let's say you took a plane to go somewhere and once you arrived you get off the plane. As you get off the plane you see there's a flag drapped casket coming out slowly from the plane and there's a soldier/Marine saluting it slowly. I happened to go to Miami couple months ago and when we got out there was a Marine saluting a flag drapped casket. The pilot got out aswell, put his hand on his heart. TSA workers also were there, some of them took their hats off, others saluted the casket. A police car was there and the 2 officers were saluting the flag drapped casket aswell. All of a sudden, people who needed to go their ways just stopped for a second, a man took his hat off. 6 white hand gloved Marines, all of them in their dress blues handed the casket on a van. I was close to tears and so everyone else. After about a minute we all parted ways but it was surreal. How would you feel?

Multiple aircraft crossing the same runway at an airport?

I was wondering if 2 or more aircraft are allowed or have crossed the same active runway at the same time? A runway is 3km long so an aircraft down each end could do this safely.

Is this permitted? Does this happen anywhere in the world? Are there any examples?