I'm currently a sophomore in high school and I'm thinking of becoming a pilot?

I want to become a pilot for an airline or something similar and I was wondering what colleges/universities are best for that career. Since I've recently decided on it, i don't know much about planes or anything that has to do with being a pilot. What are some things I could do to learn more about it and what are some requirements to be a pilot

Why do so many bad things happen on United Airlines?

Whenever something bad happens on an airline, its almost always on United. Like today, when some woman fat-shamed her seatmates. United airlines has also kicked many autistic passengers of planes because they were "disruptive". Why is United Airlines like this? This doesn't happen as much on American Airlines.

Need to leave my car for a few days?

I'm planning a trip to Chicago and plan to drive there. While I'm there I won't be needing my car, but the fee at the hotel I'm staying at is really high. I searched for long term parking online, but the only thing that comes up is airport parking. Can I park using airport parking without actually flying? If not, where could I leave my car for a few days?