Since planes fly themselves now?

Would you go into an airline if you had the chance and miss out on GA experience and proper hands on flying or would you do GA first and then eventually try for an airline?

How to fly domestically?

Hi, this might seem like a silly question but I'm a very anxious person and doing things I'm not familiar with is a struggle from me. In a couple weeks, I will be flying from LAX (Los Angeles) to SFO (San Francisco) by myself for the first time. The last time I was on a plane, I was young so my parents took care of everything. If anyone could tell me a step by step detailed explanation on what to do and some tips… That would help me immensely. I will be flying with Southwest Airlines.

Is it possible to start your own airlines?

Obviously it takes a lot of money and there's the issue of competition and draconian government regulation. I want to create an airline company that is affordable and harkens back to the golden age of air travel.