Delta Airlines baggage check?

This will be my first time checking baggage. I understand you can pay for your baggage when you check in online or via Delta's app. My question is what do I do when I get to the airport if I payed for my baggage ahead of time? Is there a specific line or kiosk I go to? If it helps any, I'm flying from Seattle.

Luggage airport checking?

Do they check luggage in the second airport? I'm travelling From Morocco to Canada, will they check the luggage in both countries? I'm worried about that because I'm bringing Creatine supplement with me.

How aliens were transported from Spain to Dublin?

By Aer Lingus plane and if so where do they stay during the flight?
Like Kenay Airway compartment, or seated with tickets and (fake) passport?

If Aer Lingus transported, then why only ground staff were arrested? Investigators initially at least 10 employees from the airline must have involved, though.

Do you need a bachelors degree to be a pilot at Delta?

I want to be a commercial airline pilot, and I only have an associate's degree. I'm looking at different flight schools and haven't decided which one yet. Anyways, to be a pilot for Delta do you need a bachelors degree?

What airlines do NOT require a bachelors degree?

Can I book an International future flight for my not yet born daughter?

Could someone with airline knowledge help me out here? I've tried calling the airline but I can't get a straight answer and google doesn't help. I'm looking to book a flight from Los Angeles to London for May 2020. My second daughter isn't going to be born until December this year. I want to book now because I want to buy her a seat and reserve them all near each other and not do the lap thing. If I book later I'm afraid I won't be able to get 4 seats for the kids and us next to each other. The only issue I'm having is when I go to purchase the tickets it asks me for her date of birth and won't let me choose a later date. I obviously can't predict her birth date, I figured I would just put her expected date but that doesn't work. So, is there any way to book a flight and a seat for her before she's born? Or is there no way around it? I don't want to make up a birth date because I'm afraid if her reserved information doesn't match her passport, it'll be trouble.

Can I get money back from Southwest Airlines?

I recently got into a very uncomfortable situation. Last Friday, My 23 year old son and his friends were celebrating his birthday. They got so drunk that for some reason they ended up at the airport, bought the first available tickets to California and flew there. When they sobered up, they realized what they had done, and had to come back. My son used my credit card to buy his ticket which I did not know about. I would very much like to know if I can get my money back, since my son was not in his right mind when he committed such an irresponsible act.

Is there really an issue with wearing high heels on a plane?

I do this all the time but recently someone told me it's not something the airlines want us to do. Is there some unwritten rule? No airport security person or any staff member has ever said anything to me about my heels. And the flight attendants wear them! So… Any truth to it?